Creating your own data donation task#
After you have forked or cloned and installed the repository you can start creating your own donation task.
You can create your own study by changing and/or adapting the code in the following directory port/src/framework/processing/py/port/
This directory contains the following files:
: Contains your donation task logic; which screen the participants will see and in what orderapi/
: Contains all the UI elements you can use; you can use this file for referenceapi/
: Contains the Render and the Donate
: The main driver of you donation task, you don’t need to touch this file
is the most important file and the one we will be working with the most
Lets look at a full example of a
. In this example we will be extracting data from a fictional DDP.
Participants are asked to submit a zip file (any zip file will do in this case), and we will extract the file names and some meta data from this zip file.
In a real study you would extract something substantial from the data.
must contain a function called process
this function determines the whole data donation task from start to finish (Which screens the participant will see and in what order, and what kind of data extraction will take place).
At the time of writing this example is also the default
In this example process defines the following data donation task:
Ask the participant to submit a zip file
Perform validation on the submitted zip file, if not valid return to step 1
Extract the data from the submitted zip file
Render the extract data on screen in a table
Send the data to the data storage upon consent
Although these can vary per data donation task, they will be more or less similar.
Below you can find the annotated example process
import port.api.props as props
from port.api.commands import (CommandSystemDonate, CommandUIRender, CommandSystemExit)
import pandas as pd
import zipfile
def process(session_id: str):
platform = "Platform of interest"
# Start of the data donation task
while True:
# Ask the participant to submit a file
file_prompt = generate_file_prompt(platform, "application/zip, text/plain")
file_prompt_result = yield render_page(platform, file_prompt)
# If the participant submitted a file: continue
if file_prompt_result.__type__ == 'PayloadString':
# Validate the file the participant submitted
# In general this is wise to do
is_data_valid = validate_the_participants_input(file_prompt_result.value)
# Happy flow (all is well):
# The file the participant submitted is valid
if is_data_valid == True:
# Extract the data you as a researcher are interested in, and put it in a pandas DataFrame
# Show this data to the participant in a table on screen
# The participant can now decide to donate
extracted_data = extract_the_data_you_are_interested_in(file_prompt_result.value)
consent_prompt = generate_consent_prompt(extracted_data)
consent_prompt_result = yield render_page(platform, consent_prompt)
# If the participant wants to donate the data gets donated
if consent_prompt_result.__type__ == "PayloadJSON":
yield donate(f"{session_id}-{platform}", consent_prompt_result.value)
# Sad flow
# The data was not valid, ask the participant to retry
if is_data_valid == False:
retry_prompt = generate_retry_prompt(platform)
retry_prompt_result = yield render_page(platform, retry_prompt)
# The participant wants to retry: start from the beginning
if retry_prompt_result.__type__ == 'PayloadTrue':
# The participant does not want to retry or pressed skip
# The participant did not submit a file and pressed skip
yield exit_port(0, "Success")
yield render_end_page()
The functions used in process
These are all the functions used in process
together they make up
(Click on the functions to expand)
def extract_the_data_you_are_interested_in(zip_file: str) -> pd.DataFrame:
This function extracts the data the researcher is interested in
In this case we extract from the zipfile:
* The filesnames
* The compressed file size
* The file size
You could extract anything here
names = []
out = pd.DataFrame()
file = zipfile.ZipFile(zip_file)
data = []
for name in file.namelist():
info = file.getinfo(name)
data.append((name, info.compress_size, info.file_size))
out = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=["File name", "Compressed file size", "File size"])
except Exception as e:
print(f"Something went wrong: {e}")
return out
def validate_the_participants_input(zip_file: str) -> bool:
Check if the participant actually submitted a zipfile
Returns True if participant submitted a zipfile, otherwise False
In reality you need to do a lot more validation.
Some things you could check:
- Check if the the file(s) are the correct format (json, html, binary, etc.)
- If the files are in the correct language
with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_file) as zf:
return True
except zipfile.BadZipFile:
return False
def render_end_page():
Renders a thank you page
page = props.PropsUIPageEnd()
return CommandUIRender(page)
def render_page(platform: str, body, progress: int):
Renders the UI components
header = props.PropsUIHeader(props.Translatable({"en": platform, "nl": platform }))
footer = props.PropsUIFooter(progress)
page = props.PropsUIPageDonation(platform, header, body, footer)
return CommandUIRender(page)
def generate_retry_prompt(platform: str) -> props.PropsUIPromptConfirm:
Generates a retry screen, this can be used if validation failed for example.
You can aks the participant to try again, and go back to the submit file prompt
text = props.Translatable({
"en": f"Unfortunately, we cannot process your {platform} file. Continue, if you are sure that you selected the right file. Try again to select a different file.",
"nl": f"Helaas, kunnen we uw {platform} bestand niet verwerken. Weet u zeker dat u het juiste bestand heeft gekozen? Ga dan verder. Probeer opnieuw als u een ander bestand wilt kiezen."
ok = props.Translatable({
"en": "Try again",
"nl": "Probeer opnieuw"
cancel = props.Translatable({
"en": "Continue",
"nl": "Verder"
return props.PropsUIPromptConfirm(text, ok, cancel)
def generate_file_prompt(platform: str) -> props.PropsUIPromptFileInput:
Generates a prompt that asks the participant to input a file
description = props.Translatable({
"en": f"Please follow the download instructions and choose the file that you stored on your device. Click “Skip” at the right bottom, if you do not have a {platform} file. ",
"nl": f"Volg de download instructies en kies het bestand dat u opgeslagen heeft op uw apparaat. Als u geen {platform} bestand heeft klik dan op “Overslaan” rechts onder."
return props.PropsUIPromptFileInput(description, "application/zip, text/plain")
def generate_consent_prompt(df: pd.DataFrame) -> props.PropsUIPromptConsentForm:
Generates a prompt screen with table(s) with the extract data for the participant to review
table_title = props.Translatable({
"en": "Zip file contents",
"nl": "Inhoud zip bestand"
table = props.PropsUIPromptConsentFormTable("zip_contents", table_title, df)
return props.PropsUIPromptConsentForm([table], [])
def donate(key, json_string):
Sends data to the backend
return CommandSystemDonate(key, json_string)
def exit_port(code, info):
When in Next this function exits the data donation task, and lets the participant return to Next
return CommandSystemExit(code, info)
Start writing your own
using the api#
Now that you have seen a full example, you can start to try and create your own data donation task. With the elements from the example you can already build some pretty intricate data donation tasks.
Start creating your own by
by adapting this example to your own needs, for example, instead of file names you could extract data you would actually like to extract yourself.
If you want to see which up what UI elements are available to you checkout api/
. In general you need to construct your own pages (prompts) and render them with render_page
(dont forget yield
The usage of yield
Did you notice yield
instead of return? yield
makes sure that whenever the code resumes after a page render, it starts where it left off.
If you render a page you need to use yield instead of return, just like in the example.
Install Python packages#
The data donation task runs in the browser of the participant, it is important to understand that when Python is running in your browser it is not using the Python version you have installed on your system. The data donation task is using Pyodide this is Python compiled to web assembly that runs in the browser. This means that packages you have available on your system install of Python, won’t be available in the browser.
If you want to use external packages they should be available for Pyodide, you can check the list of available packages here.
If you have found a package you want to use you can installed it by adding it to the array in the loadPackages
function in src/framework/processing/py_worker.js
as shown below:
// src/framework/processing/py_worker.js
function loadPackages() {
console.log('[ProcessingWorker] loading packages')
// These packages are now installed and usable: micropip, numpy, pandas, and lxml
return self.pyodide.loadPackage(['micropip', 'numpy', 'pandas', 'lxml'])
You can now import the packages as you would normally do in Python.
Try the donation task from the perspective of the participant#
If you want to try out the above example, follow the installation instructions and start the server with npm run start
Tips when writing your own
Split the extraction logic from the data donation task logic
You can define your own modules where you create your data extraction, you can import
those modules in
Develop in separate script
You are better off engineering your extraction logic in different scripts and put them in
whenever you are finished developing. Only do small tweaks in
Use the console in your browser
In case of errors they will show up in the browser console. You can use print
in the Python script and it will show up in the browser console.
Keep the diverse nature of DDPs into account At least check a couple of DDPs to make sure its reflective of the population you are interesed in. Thinks you can check are: data formats (html, json, plain text, csv, etc.), language settings (they somethines lead to json keys being in a different language or file names other than English).
Keep your code efficient If your code is not efficient the extraction will take longer, which can result in a bad experience for the participant. In practice I have found that in most cases it’s not really an issue, and don’t have to pay that much attention to efficiency of your code. Where efficiency really matters is when you have parse huge html files, beautifulsoup4 is a library that is commonly used to do this, this library is too slow however. As an alternative you can use lxml which is fast enough.
Don’t let your code crash
You cannot have your script crash, if your Python script crashes the task stops as well. This is not a good experience for your participant.
For example in the code you do the following: value_i_want_to_extract = extracted_data_in_a_dictionary["interesting key"]
if the key "interesting key"
does not exists, because it does not occur in the data of the participant, the script crashes and the participant cannot continue the data donation task.
Data donation checklist Creating a good data donation task can be hard due to the variety of DDPs you will encounted. Check out the following wiki article
Limits of the data donation task#
Currently the data donation task has the following limitations:
The data donation task is a frontend, you need to package this together with Next to deploy it. If you want to use it with your own backend you have to make the data donation task compatible with it yourself. A tutorial on how to do this might be added in the future.
The data donation task is running in the browser of the participant that brings in limitations, such as constraints on the files participant can submit. The limits are around 2GiB thats what Pyodide can handle. But less is better. So keep that in mind whenever you, for example, want to collect data from YouTube: your participants should exclude their own personal videos from their DDP (including these would result in a huge number of separate DDPs of around 2GiB).
The data donation currently works with text data, nothing keeps us from using other formats in the future (but the constraints on file sizes are still there)
The data donation task should run fine on mobile, however its not optimized for it, you might need to do some tweaking to the UI yourself