Next and Port#
This diagram indicates the relations between Next, Port and the Data Donation task

The relationship between the Data Donation Task and Next#
The data donation task is primarily created to be used in conjunction with [Next](eyra/mono). Next is a software as a service platform developed by [Eyra]( to facilitate scientific research.
Port is a service on Next which you can use to perform a complete data donation study. You can use Port to:
Personalize your study
Setup data storage for your study
Setup the study itself
Integrate with qualtrics
Administer the data donation task to participants
Track the progress of your study
The Data Donation Task#
The data donation task is a fork of [Feldspar](eyra/feldspar) with some extra functionalities added to it. Feldspar is a framework which can be used to build applications specifically for Next. An example of such an application is the data donation task which you can find in this repository.
The data donation task (and Feldspar) is only a front end to be used with Next. In order for it to be used in a live study it needs to be hosted with Next. The wiki will discuss the options you have for using the data donation task in an actual study.